Server Side Includes
What exactly are Server Side Includes? How can you increase your rankings via SSI?
Server Side Includes (SSI) is a set of directives that will allow you to incorporate the content of a text file within an HTML file. In this manner, you can add some content to a few different pages in your website and modify it by just updating just one text file. You're able to additionally add the output of various scripts so that the present date and time, the IP address of the visitor or the properties of a file display on your site. This will help you add some dynamic content to static web pages, making the website more inviting to your website visitors and creating a more professional appearance. It will likewise be easier to revise this content as compared to editing every static web page one by one. If you want to use Server Side Includes in your site, the pages that include the content of some file need to be with extension .shtml.
Server Side Includes in Shared Website Hosting
It will be possible to use Server Side Includes with all
shared website hosting packages we provide and enable it independently for every domain or subdomain inside your hosting account. You can do this with an .htaccess file, which needs to be positiioned in the folder where you wish to use SSI and you need to enter a couple of lines of code in that file. You can find the code in our Knowledgebase section, so you're able to just copy and paste it, since you do not need any programming capabilities to benefit from all of the features that our solutions incorporate. In case you have by now built your site and you want to use Server Side Includes later on, you must make sure that you rename the files from .html to .shtml and fix the links on the site, otherwise SSI will not work.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers
It shall not take you over a moment to activate Server Side Includes when you have a
semi-dedicated server package from us. When you decide to enable this function, you need to make an .htaccess file in the root folder for the domain or subdomain in which you want SSI to be enabled. In this file, you must copy and paste some code, which you can find in the FAQ article that we have dedicated to SSI. You'll find the latter in the Help section of your Hosting Control Panel, so you do not need any previous knowledge of this kind of matters. The only two things you ought to take care of are renaming all web pages that will employ Server Side Includes from .html to .shtml and changing all of the links on your website, to ensure that they point to the renamed files.